• The George Garrett Fiction Prize. 2024 Judge: Kaveh Akbar. Submissions open: July 1 through September 30. Winner Receives: $2,000 Advance and Publication
  • The X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize | 2024 judge: Diane Seuss | Submissions Open: July 1 - September 30 | $10,000 Advance + Publication + Residency at Vermont Studio Center
  • About the VSC Residency: Vermont Studio Center (VSC) and TRP: The University Press of SHSU (TRP) are pleased to announce a partnership to offer the TRP’s X. J. Kennedy Prize Fellowship at Vermont Studio Center. This fellowship offers a three-week residency, in the summer, to a recipient of the X. J. Kennedy Prize and includes a private studio space, a private room in shared lodging, access to the Visiting Artists & Writers Program, and all meals. The X. J. Kennedy Prize Fellow at VSC will join an inclusive international community of artists and writers located in northern Vermont.
  • The winner of The 2024 Clay Reynolds Novella Prize is
  • The 2024 Robert Phillips Chapbook Prize Winner is Fernando Trujillo,
  • TRP Fall 2024 New Releases: Unmoored, by Elizabeth Burk; The Book of Drought, by Rob Carney; In and Out of Place, by Gabrielle Civil; Third Class Relics, by Elizabeth Genovise; What Good is Heaven, by Raye Hendrix; A Knock at the Door, by Lily Hoang; Sallowsfield, by Cliff Hudder; The Book of Wounded Sparrows, by Octavio Quintanilla; Lady Without Land, by Krystal Anali Vazquez; The Mary Years, by Julie Marie Wade; The Southern Poetry Anthology Volume 3 Contemporary Appalachia, edited by William Wright, J. Bruce Fuller, Jesse Graves, and Paul Ruffin

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