Volume 37, Numbers 3&4
Fall/Winter 2016
Jim Daniels, In Defense of a Familiar Story, First Communion
Cynthia Marie Hoffman, from Call Me When You Want to Talk About the Tombstones
Garret Keizer, Oldsmobile, Unloved
Jesse Lee Kercheval, Les Vampires, Paris Sleeps, La Cité des Enfants
Laura Cesarco Eglin (trans. Jesse Lee Kercheval & Catherine Jagoe) Clues, Coming to Terms
Richard King Perkins II, Sociopath Divine, Pirates of the Southern Desert
Jane Craven, Red Star
John Thornton Williams, Lilly’s Voice
John Oliver Hodges, Grout
John Picard, At the Southern Baptist Convention
Clay Reynolds, Balanced Marriage
Gonzalo Baeza (Trans. Joseph D. Haske), The Show
Ben Reed, Trigger Warning: Reflections on Politeness, Dystopia, and Concealed Firearms in the College Classroom
Johnnie Bernhard, The Myth of 1969 Vermilion Parish, Louisiana
Clay Reynolds, Reaching the Summit: Ruminations on Retirement of a Baby Boomer: A Confession and a Valediction
Dave Newman, Fuck You, Johnny Depp
Phillip Parotti, Ross Calvin: Interpreter of the American Southwest, by Ron Hamm, Ancestors, by Gladys Swan
Jennifer Buentello, The Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi, by Steven and Reefka Schneider
Dennis Mont’Ros, Aguacamino/Waterpath, by Rossy Evelin Lima
John Molina, Freak Show, by Valerie Bandura
George Williams, Don’t Think, by Richard Burgin
Liana Vrajitoru, The Gospel of the Twin, by Ron Cooper
Emad Jabini, Stray Dogs: Interviews with Working-Class Writers, edited by Daniel M. Mendoza